Raise your hand if you’ve got a kid learning from home this year.

Yeah, that’s a lot of hands out there. If your other hand is busy wiping the sweat off your forehead right now, it’s normal. Schooling from home for the first time is a lot to handle, especially if you’re trying to balance it with a job. For those of you with kids in online, part-time, or home school, adding music to the daily routine can offer huge benefits for both you and your child. Here are some of the ways it can help your child thrive in these changing times:

It promotes hands-on activity. Even when your child learns music from an online source, playing an instrument is an opportunity to create results with their own two hands. This helps counteract burnout from so much sedentary mental work and allows kids to engage rather than just responding passively to a screen. 

It’s an opportunity to connect with a community. Music is one of the best ways to overcome isolation and build lasting connections through jams, webinars, lessons, and group learning.

It teaches kids how to learn independently. Of course your child might need your help from time to time, but there are certain parts of learning music that only they can accomplish. Not only does this help create independence, but it also gives a sense of accomplishment.

It adds variety to nurture different learning styles . Kids who learn best through sound and movement face special challenges with online learning. Incorporating music into the school routine adds more balance to their activities and can even help them learn better in other subjects.

It expends energy in a positive way. Parents, I’m sure I don’t have to tell you why this is a good thing.

If you’re sold on music lessons for your kiddo but you haven’t found a good online resource for them yet, Fiddle School can help. We offer:

  • bite-sized, self-paced lessons that you can adapt to fit your school routine, whatever it may be. 
  • lessons designed with at-home learning in mind to offer all the resources your child needs, including one-on-one support and group learning. 
  • An alternative or a partner program for in-school music.

However the next school year unfolds for your family, here’s hoping it’s musical.